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Reviewing Red Memories and Jointly Building a New Chapter for Little Ducks - The Party Branch of New Energy Company Holds the Theme Party Day Activity of "Never Forget Our Original Aspiration, Always Remember Our Mission"
2024-06-21 View:0

In order to further strengthen the ideals and beliefs of party members, and enhance their party spirit and cultivation, the Party branch of the New Energy Company carried out the theme party day activity of "never forget the original intention, always remember the mission". On the morning of June 21st, the branch organized all party members and active party members to enter the Licheng Party History Education Museum together, review the oath of joining the party, review the party's struggle process together, and feel the great achievements of the party.


At the Licheng Party History Education Museum, party members follow the pace of the guide, carefully listening to every section of history and every story, feeling the hardships and glory of that turbulent era. Here, everyone revisited the oath of joining the Party, expressing their loyalty and love for the Party, as well as their perseverance and pursuit of their original aspiration and mission with a resounding and powerful oath.


Looking back, we deeply feel the greatness and difficulty of the Party; Looking ahead to the future, we are full of confidence and fighting spirit. Branch party members have expressed that they will turn the gains of this activity into work motivation, and contribute their efforts to the development of the company with a more enthusiastic and pragmatic style. They will continue to adhere to the core concept of "never forget their original intention, always remember their mission", take the construction of the Party as the guide, and promote the high-quality development of enterprises.


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